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(West Palm Beach, FL – March 20, 2010) The First Annual Alan Lebow Awards for Excellence in Shakespearean Performance was funded by donations made to Kids’ Dreams in memory of Alan Lebow, co-founder of Kids’ Dreams. Mr. Lebow loved to recite poetry and excerpts from plays, but he had a special affinity for Shakespeare. The Awards for Excellence created by Kids’ Dreams is a fitting way to memorialize a man who cared about education and giving students cultural experiences to develop a life-long love for the Arts.

On February 20, 2010, 75 college and high-school students auditioned by performing a Shakespearean monologue of their own choosing. Five awards of five hundred dollars each were presented for the top five recitations. Thirteen students received honorable mention certificates. The panel of judges who were theatrical professionals: Ms. Karen Stephens, Mr. Louis Tyrrell, and Ms. Laura Wayth; being so impressed with the caliber of the recitations, divided the competitors into two groups, college and high school. Even so, there was a tie between two of the students. Therefore, instead of three awards of $500 each, there were seven awards of $500 each. Additionally, there were thirteen students who received Honorable Mention.