Mike Gauger, Chief Deputy Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office, with two Young Singers: Norman Bain on his right and Camron Champagne on his left
Young Singers of the Palm Beaches
Kids’ Dreams proudly sponsors economically underprivileged youth to participate in the Young Singers of the Palm Beaches, an inclusive, multi-cultural arts education organization based centrally in West Palm Beach at the Kravis Center for the Performing Arts. Young Singers enrolls talented singers in grades 2-12 from all parts of Palm Beach County’s diverse racial, ethnic, geographic, and socio-economic communities to learn about all aspects of proper choral singing and vocal technique. In addition, the children also practice music history, rehearsal techniques, performance techniques, presentation, and etiquette. Visit the Young Singers of the Palm Beaches official website here.
Young Singers of the Palm Beaches (YSPB) believes choral music education is a valuable resource in the development of productive participants in our society. We transform the lives of youth in our community by breaking down social barriers, developing life skills, providing an outlet for creativity, and fostering good citizenship. Over the past 20 years, Young Singers has grown from this grassroots concept to a viable force in the choral community. We are Palm Beach County's premiere community-based children's choir, based at the Kravis Center for the Performing Arts, with over 300 singers, in grades 2 through 12, from 100 schools across Palm Beach County. We serve another 2,000 students in free afterschool community choirs throughout the county, including two in the Glades and provide professional development to music teachers and afterschool professionals in collaboration with the Palm Beach County School District.